Lead Principal Investigator and Director: Xuguang Wang
Professor, Robert Lowry Chair Professor and Presidential Research Professor, School of Meteorology, University of Oklahoma
Dr. Xuguang Wang obtained her B.S. in Atmospheric Science from Beijing (Peking) University, China, and her Ph.D. in Meteorology from the Pennsylvania State University. Dr. Wang is currently a Robert Lowry Chair Professor and Presidential Research Professor of the School of Meteorology at the University of Oklahoma (OU). She leads the Multiscale Data Assimilation and Predictability (MAP) lab at OU. Her research ranges from developing novel methodologies and theories for data assimilation and ensemble prediction to applying these methods for global, hurricane, and convective-scale numerical weather prediction systems that assimilate a variety of in-situ and remote-sensing observations. The data assimilation research and development by the OU MAP team have been adopted by multiple US NOAA NWS operational modeling systems, including GFS, HRRR, HWRF, RRFS, and HAFS. Dr. Wang is also excited about cultivating the next-generation workforce in data assimilation. So far, she has directly advised numerous graduate students and postdocs during her tenure at OU. Dr. Wang also takes community scientific leadership roles such as serving as a co-lead of the observation and data assimilation task team to perform US Congress-mandated Priorities for Weather Research (PWR) study, a member of the NOAA Science Advisory Board (SAB) Environmental Information Services Working Group (EISWG), a member of the WMO WWRP Predictability, Dynamics and Ensemble Forecasting working group, and Co-lead of the data assimilation team of the NOAA Hurricane Forecast Improvement Program (HFIP).